I didn't get any photos of yours truly removing rivets so I can't show any, but here's one of the bits and pieces of pop-rivets that were drilled out placed next to SB Figure 1, which shows the orientation and location of the doubler.
Step one in removing a pop-rivet is to knock out the leftover piece of mandrel through the bottom of the rivet with a suitably sized punch. That's the little bits on the right side of the tray picture below.
Step two is to use a 1/8" drill bit to very lightly drill off just the manufactured head of the rivet. That's the washer-looking thingys in the bottom of the red tray in the picture to the right.
Step three is to push out the shop-formed side of the rivet with a couple taps on a slightly larger punch, shown in the upper left of the tray.
There's 21 pop-rivets to drill out on each wing, and each piece, except the heads, had to be found and removed from inside the wing by reaching through the rib lightening holes and feeling around 'til I found it. I got most of 'em but unfortunately a couple of the tiny mandrel pieces didn't want to be found.
Once the rivets are removed the SB calls for you to cleco on the doubler and match-drill 42 holes into the bottom wing skin using the doubler as a template, and enlarge 8 existing holes to accept the larger and stronger 5/32" pop-rivets.
Appreciation also goes to Mr. B for the extended loan of his airplane building tools. When he loaned me his tools two and a half years ago, included in one of the parts trays was a tiny little ziplock baggy of #30 high-speed "jobber" drill bits, the size used for LP4-3 pop rivet holes. I almost can't believe they've lasted this long, but they're still cutting just fine so I keep using 'em. Here's a couple pics of the drilled out holes:
With the prep work done all that's left is to rivet on the doubler, right? There's just one little problem. Can you see it in the picture?
No? How about now?
The rivet mandrel for the larger 5/32" rivets broke off above ("proud") of the rivet head. Which means they had to be filed down flush with the top of the rivet head, which is not fun. How did that happen?
I think what happened is Van's sent the wrong length of rivets. SB Figure 6 calls for using "BSPQ-5-2" rivets (also known as "oops" rivets in certain unfortunate contexts), but Van's sent BSPQ-5-4 rivets, according to the parts list.
Builders take note: The way you want to do this (having learned the hard way) is, counting from inboard 1, 2, 3, ... 8, do rivet #8 first, before any other rivets. If the mandrel sits proud of the head, file it down. Then do #7, then #6, and so on, working your way back to the wing root end. Take care not to scratch the doubler with the file while you're doing it. That's the tricky part.
Or you could be smart and just get the correct 5-2 rivets to start with.
After filing down the 5/32" rivets the rest was easy.
Here's the doubler installed on the bottom of the left wing:
And here's the right wing hanging from the ceiling again so I could use the bench for the other wing. My first SB!
Recall that I said that Van's SB says that installing the doubler should only take 1.5 hours per wing? It took me about three times longer than that.